I'm a firm believer in listing pricing on your website.
This is a hotly-debated topic, and I'm not saying that displaying pricing is right for 100% of businesses, but I do believe it's crucial for us small, service-based businesses.
Why? Two reasons: Transparency and qualifying your leads.
For me, it comes down to this: I know that personally, I want to know if I can afford someone's service before I waste my time reaching out to them.
Please note that it isn't necessary to list your exact pricing down to the penny – but people do want to know if you're in the realm of their budget.
This could be a starting price point, a general price range, or what the typical client may spend on average on a particular package or service.
I hear the arguments: "But if I don't display my pricing, I can get them to contact me so that I can convince them of my value / hook them over the phone / negotiate a higher price point."
But I know I'd be mighty pissed off if I wasted 30 minutes of my precious time on a discovery call, only to learn that the price point is waaaaayyyy beyond my means.
Put yourself in your website users' shoes. Would you want to have at least an idea of pricing before reaching out? I'm betting yes.
Being transparent about your prices will help build trust with your website users. And it will naturally weed out those that can't afford your services—leading to more inquiries that *actually* turn into bookings and less time wasted on unqualified leads.
I see it as a win-win for both you and your prospective clients. Because when you clearly declare your value and frame it as an investment, the sale is already halfway there.
How do you display the pricing on your website? And if you don't, why not?